The Chrysalis

            Walking in the streets of this bustling city has become one of my recent hobbies these days. Strolling without any destination, without any tears, without any dramas, no need to have to tackle tantrums is such a relief! Can walk, can eat, can laugh, can decide, can choose, can shop, can shop for home, can have a cup of coffee, can breathe the fresh air sounded surreal. Noisy horns, jamming vehicles, loud people were all doesn't even disturbed me for .0001%. I enjoyed but with little fright! Fine ! Let's go! Nothing bad will happen (Woah! Feeling thoughtful!)

Quickly decided and jumped on to a park. Thought of relaxing, enjoying nature and seeing people my favourite part. Alas! There was this twist waiting for me! There were no nature that I imagined nor the people, but were so busy with themselves. Mostly teens, bunking classes, roaming with friend(s) in school uniform. Doesn't even seem like a puppy love, it was even more worser!! Okie let them enjoy and find their puzzles!

Happened to observe a person of looks like a retiree in loose casuals, trying to chat with a gang of few boys and girls possibly scholars or new joinees. He just gazed for a moment and then started with ease like,"Where're you all from?" , "Is this fruit so special in your town?" Kind of talks. People were like, 'who's this?!' and with a fearful skeptical look was lingering their answers. I'm not surprised much with the reactions of girls. Most would do the same. But guys what's wrong? He's just a cherishing, trying to recover his young in his autumn of life. You were not afraid of racing, not frightened to date in public, not terrified to bunk classes, but panicky towards a innocuous normal human being? I'm way more astonished! He just got some answers and passed on his way, but he was the only best thing I saw on that particular roaming day. Nothing fascinated me other than that one moment of humane kind act of him.

Ofcourse he might have been used to it or doesn't have expected anything more from them at first place. But the disappointment is realizable. I feel really bad for either of them.

             When talking with people who have physical even mental suffering, I've seen those real probs, web of confusions, knots that are tough to untie and so on, people struggle to get out of it. But with medicines and conversations, they're comforted to exit those emotions at ease. Though in recent times, when I see these scholars, teens or young age, in so-called enjoyable, commitment-free, stress-free phase of life..., they struggle a very different plane in life!

Happened to hear from a girl of 12 saying, "Noone is talking to me at school (it's a reputed one) even though I'm friendly, I'm avoided, straight to face they say that we don't want to be your friend!". Another girl of 23, says, "Till now I don't have one friend and it's stressing me out". Another one of 7 with such a clarity of mind says, " They tease me, at times noone talks, Fine I don't want unnecessary fights. My cousin brother has two friends and they mostly fight. I think I'm at peace!" I was very much awestruck by her maturity but felt very bad for what she's going through. One said "I started youtube and talking but I'm very much dumb in college without friends". Clearly I don't understand why and how this happens. I hardly see kids playing on streets these days. Were their childhood stolen or uncelebrated? They learnt to laugh even in their heartaches at a very early age is actually a boon or a curse?!

Can feel that pain and cries. One said, "I'm binge eating and I know why, I feel alone...".        Usually I enjoy going through different walks of life; but I feel those thorns & pains here in these gentle feets. Thorns on those feets pricked me too! And you know what did the first one said?,   " I broke down badly in my UKG when my friend said, 'I'm not talking to you ' Later I got used to it in these 8 years that whoever said the same." with a real positive smile!!!

Boon or curse?!

I pray let her smile eternally surrounded with people making her feel, 'we're there with you '...

Dr. S. Prithivi Madhumitha 

Image source: Google/ No copyrights intended for image


  1. பதிவின் அடிநாதம் ஊதுபத்தி புகை போல மனசை அசைக்கிறது. கால ஓட்டத்தில் சக மனிதர்களிடம் வெகுவாக விலகி தினம் தினம் பெருகும் மாய உல்லாசங்களில் அமிழ் வதும் புரிபடாத போலிக் குதூகலங்கலில் திளைப்பதும் பரிசீலிக்கப்பட வேண்டியிருக்கும் அவசியம் மென்மையாக உணர்த்தப் படுகிறது.

  2. நன்றிகள் பல 🙏😊😊


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