It was a bright summer
I was having my supper.
Alone,at the mid of banyan wood slabs..
He is like my grandfather,my 'Chaku'
That I used to dream on his lap..!

Suddenly,that eternal affectionate tone of him touched me once
'My Son! I will take you  this weekend..'
He was a smiling lean man in long pyjamas.
Every sentence ends with the adjective 'My Son'!
It gives me happiness instant from bottom of my stomach
Noone else's there to call me 'Son' since my creation...!

Everytime he comes,my fantasies grew bigger.
Soon...,I will live in a home,
I will cling my mom's hand and
hug her while leaving to school...,
I will play with my little sister
and share stories until she sleeps...,
I will cry a little when my dad
feeds me food...

My world will be filled with Love
My heart will flood with care
I will breathe,the air of freedom
I will fly with my wings all over
I won't be alone anymore
I won't be alone anymore!
There won't be bell sounds
There won't be prayer songs
There won't be pity visits..

I dreamt...I imagined...
I don't remember how many days passed
I want to hear that powerful voice 'My Son' once.
But I experienced only silence...
Absolute silence!
I don't know his whereabouts...nobody knows!
But 'Why?' was the only thing in my mind.

I am just left with reality...
It's a plain reality!
I stood up...poured the water from bottle
into the banyan tree...and said
'Welcome back Chaku!'

 -Prithivi Madhumitha.S

Here I focussed on a small boy who is one of the orphans in Shanthi Ashram.His best friend was only the banyan tree where he sits and dreams.He call it as 'Chaku'!He was given hope by a person who comes in pyjamas, to be adopted.He explores each and every day dreaming about the auspicious day on the way..and finally ended up alone.He grabs the hands of his friend chaku itself at last and gets back to reality!Its just an expression of exciting emotions of a kid which turned black at last !
Thank You for reading :)


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