1.KICKSTARTER -HOMOEOPATHY WINS/ஹோமியோபதி இனிதே ஒரு தொடக்கம் !!

Before going into this I attach a special feature of this blog.for those who have extreme workloads and chota time to use blog I hereby attach you the audio format of what I have written.Enjoy Listening!! Follow the blog Crucifixion for more innovative posts!! Homeopathy itself is a complete system of medicine for your note.It cures almost all kinds of diseases starting from common cold,fever,headache,arthritis,Life-style disorders -to- Cancer,diabetic foot ulcers,gangrene,stroke etc.Amazed!Right!This is true.And I am your witness.I have been studying this wonderful system of medicine since 7 years and I listed above only the cases whatever I have seen and experienced. Homoeopathy is...