The Chrysalis
Walking in the streets of this bustling city has become one of my recent hobbies these days. Strolling without any destination, without any tears, without any dramas, no need to have to tackle tantrums is such a relief! Can walk, can eat, can laugh, can decide, can choose, can shop, can shop for home, can have a cup of coffee, can breathe the fresh air sounded surreal. Noisy horns, jamming vehicles, loud people were all doesn't even disturbed me for .0001%. I enjoyed but with little fright! Fine ! Let's go! Nothing bad will happen (Woah! Feeling thoughtful!) Quickly decided and jumped on to a park. Thought of relaxing, enjoying nature and seeing people my favourite part. Alas! There was this twist waiting for me! There were no nature that I imagined nor the people, but were so busy with themselves. Mostly teens, bunking classes, roaming with friend(s) in school uniform. Doesn't even seem like a puppy love, it was even more worser!! Okie let them...